Client Challenges

Demanding lifestyles can have a negative effect on our eating behaviours and overall health. Supporting employee health through nutrition education and professional support can help employees to improve their resilience to potential future challenges. A healthy well-nourished employee base helps to optimise the health and longevity of the employees and thus the health and longevity of the companies they work for.

Client Solutions

We worked with over 1,170 employees in 2023, via personalised 1-to-1 coaching with our registered nutritionists and dietitians.

Our scientific approach is proven to generate sustainable improvements in the health and wellbeing of employees ensuring maximum return for employer investment. We optimise healthy food choices for employees in the workplace, onsite and at home and provide employees with easy access to tailored, individual expert nutrition advice.

Employees Chart
Supporting Coworkers

Supporting each other

Many of us consume one if not two of our main meals while working. We have a responsibility to support each other to eat well in all working locations. Build on where you are today. Small positive changes in our nutrition can have a lasting impact on our health, wellbeing and productivity!

We optimise healthy food choices for employees in the workplace, onsite and at home and provide employees with easy access to tailored, individual expert nutrition advice.

Case Studies

Global Biopharmaceutical Company


Food Choice partnered up with a Global Biopharmaceutical Company to support the health and wellbeing of their employees. We created a tailored programme that was aligned with the company’s wider health and wellbeing strategy. During the year, we provided monthly nutrition education via our webinars, key messages and webinars. The nutrition theme for each month was guided by the client organisation. Theme examples included mindful eating and gut health. We also offered over 450 employees the opportunity to avail of 1-to-1 nutrition coaching via our evidence-based 6 Week Food Choice Nutrition Programme. Each employee was provided with a total of 2 hours and 20 mins 1-to-1 consultation time over the 6-Week period.

A team of 7 registered nutritionists and dietitians supported each employee to analyse their current eating patterns and provided bespoke tools, recipes and weekly check ins to empower them to improve their dietary behaviours.

Following the completion of the 6-Week Food Choice Programme, we were delighted to report a 90% retention rate. 100% of the employees reported making positive changes to their diet and 100% reported planning to maintain their dietary improvements.


Global Technology Company


Food Choice partnered up with a Global Technology Company to support the health and wellbeing of their employees. We created a yearlong tailored health and wellbeing programme to meet the organisations aims and objectives. During the year, we provided monthly nutrition education content, focussing on a different nutrition theme each month. The content included whistle-stop tours, key messages and recipes.

Global Tech
Global Tech
Global Tech

We also offered over 200 employees the opportunity to avail of 1-to-1 nutrition coaching via our evidence based 6 Week Food Choice Nutrition Programme.

Our team of registered nutritionists and dietitians supported each employee to analyse their current eating patterns and provided bespoke tools, recipes and weekly check ins to empower them to improve their dietary behaviours.

Following the completion of the 6-Week Food Choice Programme, we were delighted to report an 88% retention rate. 69% of the employees reported reaching their nutrition goals after completing the 6 Week Food Choice Nutrition Programme, with 31% of employees reporting being on track to reach their nutrition goals.

Let’s Chat

Do you want to make the healthy choice more convenient for your employees? We’d love to hear from you.